Building connections in medical education
Our Mission
We work together to promote, enhance and evaluate the use of learning communities in medical education.
The LCI is a not-for-profit organization of institutions, learners, educators, and administrators who are working together to promote, enhance and evaluate the use of learning communities in medical education. Through collaboration among learning communities, the LCI seeks to improve healthcare education across the continuum of learning by fostering scholarship, professional development, and the centrality of relationships among learners and teachers. Read more about Who We Are.
What We Do
We seek to connect and support member institutions and members at institutions as they develop, start, and grow their learning communities programs.
Through resources and relationships, the Learning Communities Institute provides connection and support for medical schools that have or are developing a learning communities program. Find out more about What we do.

“The LCI is like a family to me. I can always call on someone at the organization to help guide me through the challenges I am facing in medical education. I am so grateful for all the connections and support I have with my LCI community.”
— Lars Osterberg, Stanford School of Medicine
News & Events
Annual Meeting 2025
The Learning Communities Institute Annual Meeting will be held in October 2025, TBD. Hosted by the University of Arkansas College of Medicine in Little Rock, this 3-day conference is a great opportunity to connect and learn with learning communities’ colleagues from other institutions.
More details will be posted soon on our News & Events page.
About our Membership
An LCI membership connects you to our greatest asset - community.
Having a Learning Communities Institute (LCI) membership gives you and your institution access to resources, discounts for the annual meeting, and the chance to more deeply connect with colleagues at other member institutions.
Our Resources
Looking for resources?
The Learning Communities Institute has a wealth of resources related to learning communities. Whether you’re just starting a program and wondering how to hire faculty or want to read the latest literature on the benefits of learning communities, you can find it in the members’ section of the Resources page. Link here to BECOME A MEMBER and access all that LCI. If you are already a member, log in to your account at the top of this page to access members-only resources.
And, even if you’re not a member, there are still some very useful public access resources available for non-members. Link here to see our Public Access Resources.